AWWebQuoting for DataFlo

Turnkey Price: $16,500

Real-Time Web Quoting

AWWebQuoting will provide your Employees and Reps the ability to easily generate high quality professional quotes to your Customers and Prospects. AWWebQuoting is completely Browser based and is Responsive so your Employees and Reps can generate the quotes from any device such as a Smartphone or Tablet. AWWebQuoting’s Real-Time integration with DataFlo is built in so Customer information and Pricing (including Customer Specific pricing) is fully available without any additional setup. The quote output is a high-quality PDF document ready to be sent to your Customer or Prospect. Quotes can be updated as needed via AWWebQuoting and all of your quote history is tracked to make sure you stay on top of closing the sale. AWWebQuoting includes the capabilities below and more


1 Professional PDF Quotes with integration to key DataFlo information
2 Modern Browser Interface and Responsive Design (works on Smartphone, Tablet, Notebook, etc)
3 Customer specific pricing pulled Real-Time from your DataFlo system
4 Real-Time Inventory information at your fingertips
5 Ability to Convert the Quote to a DataFlo Order with a couple of clicks all via the Browser
6 Ability to maintain Customer and Contact information via modern browser interface
7 Generate Quotes for New Prospects or Existing Customers
8 Manage and Update Quotes in one place via modern browser interface

$16,500 Turnkey Price

For the turnkey price of $16,500 AWWebQuoting includes everything needed for your Employees and Reps to easily generate professional quotes with the key information (Customers, Pricing, etc) fully integrated with your DataFlo System. AWWebQuoting works with all releases of DataFlo even if you have customization.

This screen is an example showing how the user can find products to quote by navigating through Product Categories, Searching, etc. Note: AdvancedWare always adapts the pages to match the navigation and styling that works best for your company.

The screen below shows a list of Products that you can put onto your Quote. A key feature of AWWebQuoting is that the pricing displayed comes right out of DataFlo and is specific to the customer you are doing the Quote for. Real-Time Inventory information and product pictures are very useful.

A key aspect of AWWebQuoting is the ability to generate Quotes for Existing Customers as well as New Prospects.

The screen below shows an example of the Professional PDF quote that is automatically generated and ready to be emailed to your Customer or Prospect. The actual layout of the quote document is done to your specifications which is included at no additional cost.

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