AWmShipping for Epicor ERP 10

Price: $8,500

Mobile Barcode Shipping Application for Epicor ERP 10

AWmShipping enables your company to use a Wireless Mobile Device to efficiently pick the products for shipment to your customers. And best of all, the transactions in your Epicor ERP 10 system are performed by AWmShipping automatically and in Real-Time. Using a graphical interface on the Wireless Device, picking the products to be shipped is handled through these simple steps:

1. The Wireless Device will display a list of all open shipments and you can select one.
2. In Real-Time, AWmShipping will display from your Epicor ERP 10 system the details of what needs to be picked. Note: The display will also show inventory quantities and the bin locations they reside in.
3. Simply enter (or scan) the actual quantities picked, and AWmShipping will automatically update your Epicor ERP 10 system.

$8,500 Turnkey Price

For the price of $8,500, AWmShipping allows your company to perform shipment picking in the Epicor ERP 10 system in Real-Time using a Wireless Mobile Device. And best of all, AWmShipping works with any release of Epicor ERP 10, even if you have customization.

Select Shipment to be Picked

Picking Parts for a Shipment

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